Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ode to Joy

Spring is here! The leprechauns have visited again this year. They left chocolate coins under the boys' pillows.

St. Patty's day was quite eventful here. I had to rush home to get going to the Piano festival from our school district. Here is a pic of our lovely blue ribbon winner, after only 5 months of piano lessons.

Since we have had requests for more piano playing, here's a clip of most of Ode to Joy from the contest.

I should have had a tripod, but I didn't. Frankly, I just didn't think of it.

Last week, the boys and I were at a funeral for my dear cousin Debbie. She was such a beautiful soul, and is missed terribly. She now finds her joy with her Lord in heaven, after battling cancer for 14 years. She was only in her early 50's.

After the funeral, we had lunch in the church basement. When most people were done, we were all milling about and reconnecting with other relatives. Suddenly, I heard "Take me out to the Ball Game" being played on the piano. It seemed too cheerful, and too out of place. Of course, it was my son. Then my 5 year old nephew wanted to get in on the act. And while it was hard to hear, I felt the message "Life goes on". We are left here to mourn her loss, but we will see her again. And we will continue to try to bless many more lives, as Debbie blessed so many. I just wish I could see more of my cousins more often.

I had the lovely opportunity to drive part of the way with my cousin Heidi, and to return with her mother. Two very different people, yet loved and admired for their uniqueness. I'm so glad that Heidi and I feel like we can be ourselves with each other - for good or bad. And I got to see a new side of my auntie -- her singing! The boys especially enjoyed "We are the red men, feathers in the head men, pow wow!" it came complete with hand motions. We simply MUST get her to do this on camera and send it to us again!

My mother had 12 brothers and sisters. Most of them had children. She was 12th out of 13. I have a LOT of cousins. And 1st cousins once removed, twice removed, etc. Some of my 1st cousins have grandchildren already. I can only imagine because I've met most of them. Next summer, I'm going to redo my huge family tree chart. I made one in the year 2000, but I think an update every 10 years is good. It's rather like the census, I suppose. (Genealogists LOVE the census!) I'm glad my family and my extended family can be as close as we are. I am amazed at the problems other families have, and sad for them too. Our closeness seems so normal to me. It's only in my older years here that I realize how unusual it can seem to others.

Have a blessed rest of your day. Seek the joy around you.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Casimir Pulaski Day!

Today is Casimir Pulaski day. I have the day off of school. Tomorrow, ISAT testing begins in our school. I worry more about 2 students who are not doing so well than I do about testing as a whole.

My own children go to school today. I don't know why they don't get the day off too, except that our county is farther out from Chicago, home to many, many Polish people. And as we know, Casimir Pulaski is a Polish general who came to the US to help the cause of freedom in the Revolutionary War, and is known as the Father of the American Cavalry. He started the 1st American Cavalry unit, and was tragically mortally wounded in battle.

Anyhow, it's cool to know that people from all over the world helped in our little revolution.

Other mundane thoughts:

1. How do so many people find the time to keep up with their blogs? I'm here at once a month, and I think I'm doing well. I'm not a slow typist or anything. I just have too much to do.

2. Spring should be here soon!

3. A friend of mine is waiting to find out if she is pg after fertility treatments. I pray for patience for her, as well as success.

4. A child I know is faced with the situation that his father tried to kill his mother. How sad is that? So most of my prayers are directed toward this family lately. What a shock! Any prayers you might like to add would surely be a blessing for this family.

5. I have been trying to set up a Facebook account, but they do not like my first name. The name "Gay" is not an acceptable name on the internet, it seems. Why do people need to make such a hassle about this? I"ve been hassled over my name since I was in 4th grade. It gets old, people. When I went to Kindergarten, there were 2 kindergarten teachers. The other one (not my own teacher) had the first name of Gay also. So since Kindy, I have kind of mentally been keeping track of how many other people I have met or heard of with that same name. The number is over 110 now. So it's not unheard of.

6. I can't wait to see how my own son does on the ISAT test. I hope he does well, but if not, we'll work on it. He's a bright kid. I see all his work that comes home, so I have a good idea of where he's at. Having your own child puts many things into perspective.

7. I like what Barack Obama said the other day about parents being more involved in their child's education. It's so, so important. I see this so much at school.

8. I wish grading papers did not take so long.

9. It's nice to get these random thoughts out of your head, isn't it?

10. For some reason, my youngest says he does not like to read. He's an absolutely terrific reader. But now that he's able to read longer books, he doesn't care to. It seems he does not quite have the stamina, I guess. He reads a grade or two above his grade level, but it can be like pulling teeth sometimes to get him to read the minimum required. I guess he still really loves picture books. Perhaps we need to find harder picture books. There definitely are some out there!

There you have it: 10 things on my mind lately.