Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hope Springs Eternal - a musical review.

They say "Hope Springs Eternal".

For many of you, of course this means I am a Cubs fan.

Last week, I was down in the dumps about the whole thing. It is not a easy life that you choose when you decide to give your heart to the Cubs. One doesn't always know why, or when such a monumental decision was made. But like my father before me, I became a die-hard Cubs fan.

Last fall, I was trying so very hard not to hope that the Cubs would make it to the World Series, but somehow that hope snuck in there as they kept winning games. And I tried to remind myself that even though the White Sox and the Red Sox had broken these long, long streaks where they did not win a World Series, that did not necessarily mean that 100 years was long enough, and the Cubs should definitely win.

Of course, our hopes were dashed, even as we pretended not to hope too much, to protect our hearts.

Last week, I was wondering why on earth I put myself through this. Why was I getting excited that Spring training is starting? Why do I feel like summer is nearly here in February when the Cubs (and others) start training?

Then I visited the Cubs website just to peak, and I was hooked again for another year. I love Wrigley Field. I love watching the Cubs play. I haven't been there nearly enough in my life, but I love it. Most of my students love the Cubs, and they keep me informed about all the games. Some of them get to go to a lot of games and have super-duper seats. I have a Cubs bat and a New Orleans-style Cubs necklace that students have given me over the years. As we have had a few warmer days this winter, students are wearing Cubs shirts again.

I was remembering the other day how my dad used to tune in the games at night on his little transister radio (when they were playing away games, of course) back when we lived in North Dakota, and could rarely see them on TV. This was in the 1970' and 80's. We only had 2 tv channels at the time, and the chances of seeing them were quite rare. When we moved back to IL, and I started my journey toward becoming a fan, I wondered how he endured living so far from the Cubs for so many years (at least 7 - 8). As an adult, I understand a little better, but I know he was happy to see them again when were returned to IL.

I am sure that my father and Kevin's father are excited about the chance to peek down from heaven again to watch Spring Training. And I know in my heart that my eldest only claims to be a White Sox fan because he knows it will annoy his father and me. My youngest is on his way to being a die-hard fan, which means, of course, he will have a special section in heaven for those who know about faith and hope in something that you may not see.

Enjoy this little clip of the boys, and their tribute to baseball: